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Getting Started with Advocacy in Muster
Getting Started with Advocacy in Muster
Max Schick avatar
Written by Max Schick
Updated over a week ago

The Basics

When getting started with Muster it is helpful to be familiar with some of the terms and terminology found throughout the “Advocacy” portion of the application.

The first thing you’ll notice when entering the “Advocacy” section of your brand new account is the option to create a new Campaign.

A Campaign is a collection of Action Centers. Each campaign will have a subject matter of your choice depending on how you’d like to organize your account. For some folks this might be by a specific bill they’re advocating for or against (“SB 153”, e.g.). For others, it may be a time frame (“2021 Legislative Session” e.g.).

All Action Centers will have a landing page with instructions for advocates on why they should take action, who they are messaging, etc.

Each Action Center can have multiple Action Alerts which are communications to your contact lists that are sent either through email or text alerts prompting them to “take action” and contact the officials associated with your Action Center.

How advocacy campaigns, action centers, and action alerts are structured in Muster:

How advocacy campaigns, action centers, and action alerts are structured in Muster

Creating An Advocacy Campaign

1) Create your Campaign (if you don't have one already)

2) Create and Publish the Action Center. When you publish, the Action Center landing page goes live, but it is up to you to determine how you’d like to disseminate the page to your supporters. Some options are:

  • Sending an email or text “Action Alert” through Muster (requires "Broadcasts" module)

  • Copy/pasting the Action Center URL and sharing it on your social media pages

  • Copy/pasting the Action Center URL and sending it to contacts through a third party outside of Muster (Mailchimp, Constant contact, etc.)

If you need to edit your Action Center landing page, you must first select “Stop Action Center” in the settings section of your Action Center to edit. Stopping the Action Center temporarily un-publishes the landing page so that you may safely edit the page. Once you click “Publish” again, the page goes back live with the edits you made.

3) Once your Action Center has been published, analytics will start appearing in your account. There are a couple of different ways to view your analytics. They will be displayed to you on a Campaign level and you’ll also have analytics for every individual Action Center you create.

Campaign level analytics will be an aggregate view of all actions taken across all of your Action Centers for a given Campaign. If you want to see how a specific individual Action Center is performing, you must navigate to the Action Center in question in order to do so.

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